Laying down your life

I've spent the last 17 years of life serving youth in the city. This morning I wake reminded of all the precious souls that I've had the blessing of encountering. Sometimes I think back and ask myself, "was it all worth it?" All the time spent, the sacrifices made, the blood sweat and tears? The answer is a resounding YES! Last night I pulled into the local 7-11 and saw Isila, a 19 year old mother of a 2 year old baby boy. Two years ago she was addicted to alcohol and in and out of juvenile prison. She's now employed with UPS and driving around in her own car with baby boy in arm, smiling, with no recollection of a drunk mother. A year ago I received a message from a young man named Albert. He says, and I quote, "Eric, I don't know if you remember me or not, but it's been about 8 years since you've worked with me. I am now 24 and a father of two pursuing my dreams with my music and art. When I was younger I was so messed up, lost trying ...