Roaring winds, soft breeze, rock cool beneath me, I’m surrounded by trees taller than buildings. Slipping into a trance and letting my cares, fears, and worries drift away with the wind. Captivated by the sunlight as it hits these pages. Reflecting back to that split second where I felt an instant revelation in a foreign land. It was a place where I was welcomed with open arms and smiles. To be completely honest these foreigners made me feel human again. This is the place in my life where some would define as “experiencing a supernatural calling.” Before this trip I had no sense of purpose or what type of job I wanted to pursue. On this particular day this calling was so profound, although I still questioned myself ...Is this real? Is this a fantasy? My hopes and biggest aspirations seemed light years away. Is this my purpose? Am I called to lead wandering souls to the right path? Why me? How am I going to impact others, and give sound advice to the youth if I was in the same ...