The Fight For Joy

“The only source of knowledge is experience...” - Albert Einstein

Have you ever questioned who you are? How did you end up here?  Are you who you thought you would be? As a newborn baby, we are a blank page in the book of life. Every action we take thereafter fills in the pages. We are carefully crafting each chapter. Authors of our own destiny. Even as a delicate infant our hopes and dreams seem endless. Our minds are untainted by experiences of anguish, hurt, and trauma. We radiate joy and light which draws others near. With endless possibilities, we press forward full speed ahead. What freedom we experience as infants, unbothered by the cares of the world. Determined to achieve success, reach higher heights than those that came before us. However, our forward motion is brought to a screeching halt as we are faced with a foreign experience called pain. Pain is, in my opinion, the greatest teacher. Our senses heighten, our minds race trying to interpret this unfamiliar experience. Our first interaction with pain is perhaps the single most life-altering event. It is at this moment we begin carving out our character we tap into our genetically engineered flight or fight mode. We must decide what will I do? Stay and confront this experience or run denying what is taking place. The reservoir we have built of positive experiences is put to the test. An overwhelming sense of questioning takes over as our seemingly perfect life has been flipped upside down. Within this sea of emotions, we may question our capacity to reach the goals and aspirations that once seemed so close. How can we return to that innocent, blissful infant? The truth in all of this can be found in a few simple principles:
  1. We suffer in insolation and heal in community.
  2. We are not meant to walk through this journey called life alone. 
  3. We are stronger than we think.
The experiences of life may threaten our character, may leave us asking why, or even make us doubt our potential. Combating these heart-wrenching questions is not an easy task. Each day we must choose to press forward however long and hard the journey may seem. In order to reach all that we desire, to become the best version of ourselves we simply must choose to fight. Fight against the voice that makes us question who we are, fight against the doubts and fears that others cast on us. Fight against feelings of failure and hopelessness. Most importantly fight against feelings of solitude. True healing is just beyond the feelings of pain. At our weakest most despairing moments we can take comfort in the knowledge of an army of people walking this same journey. Whether you are a mentor, student, teacher, mother, father, son, daughter, etc. that childlike innocence can still be found within you. Joy can be found within the pain. 
Karen Cacao
JU4Y Mentor


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